A4 Information Sheet

1st or 2nd day Schedule Sheet

Student fill this in, exchange it with their partners,

and use it to start conversations on the 1st or 2nd day of class.

This is a GREAT activity.  Students give and get information on professors, classes and times.

Students glue this on the inside cover of their book. Every time they speak to a new partner, they highlight their photo in yellow.


Never waste class time calling roll again

I have zero tolerance for phones in class. It's rude and distracting, to both students and teachers.

It's distracting to students using the phone, rude to their partners, and especially rude to the teacher.

Anything they need to do on a phone, they can do on their way home. Class is for Conversations.


A university education is 4-year preparation for a job interview.  And nobody pulls out a phone during a job interview.

This is interesting.

In a student survey, one of the things they liked best about the class was the no phone policy.

Evidently, students who want to learn do not like when their partners are on the phone.